JSLancer Calendar App

A simple Calendar app make with React

Technology stacks

  • react
  • redux
  • styled-components / scss
  • json-server
  • react-google-flight-datepicker


Finish the following application:

  • Display a datepicker using this package: https://github.com/JSLancerTeam/react-google-flight-datepicker
  • When user select on a date from datepicker, show a todo form and a todo list for that particular date.
  • User can use the form to add new todo
  • Click on the x button will remove todo
  • Click on the checkbox to toggle todo as completed
  • Make api requests to save todo data.


git clone https://github.com/JSLancerTeam/todo-calendar
cd todo-calendar
yarn start
yarn run backend

Frontend: http://localhost:3000

Backend: http://localhost:3001/todos