
A ServiceNow Powershell Module used for basic SNOW functions

Primary LanguagePowerShell

ServiceNow API PowerShell Module

This PowerShell module provides the ability to interact with the ServiceNow API, allowing you to fetch and update incidents with ease.


This module contains the following functions:

  • Connect-ServiceNow: Establishes the connection to your ServiceNow instance.
  • Get-SNOWIncident: Retrieves incidents based on given parameters.
  • Set-SNOWIncident: Updates the state of a given incident.



To connect to ServiceNow, use the Connect-ServiceNow function. This function prompts you for your ServiceNow URL and credentials, then authenticates and sets up your API endpoints.



To retrieve incidents, use the Get-SNOWIncident function with the desired switches. Here are some examples:

  • To retrieve all open incidents assigned to you:

    Get-SNOWIncident -ShowALLMyOpen
  • To retrieve all resolved incidents assigned to you:

    Get-SNOWIncident -ShowMyResolved
  • To retrieve all open incidents:

    Get-SNOWIncident -ShowALLOpen
  • To retrieve all incidents:

    Get-SNOWIncident -ShowALL
  • To retrieve a specific incident by its incident number:

    Get-SNOWIncident -IncidentNumber "INC0010002"


To update incidents, use the Set-SNOWIncident function. Here are some examples:

  • To resolve a specific incident:

    Set-SNOWIncident -ResolveIncident "INC0010002"
  • To open a new incident:

    Set-SNOWIncident -OpenIncident
  • To close a specific incident:

    Set-SNOWIncident -CloseIncident "INC0010002"


When resolving, opening, or closing incidents, you will be prompted to enter additional information, such as resolution notes, a short description, comments, or an assignee's email, depending on the operation.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.