Assessing your JavaScript Fundamentals

  • The objective of this challenge is to get you used to answering a few questions about JavaScript that are commonly asked in interviews.
  • We also have some more reps for you to help hammer in the knowledge you've thus far learned.
  • Answers to your written questions will be recorded in
  • This is to be worked on alone but you can use outside resources. You can reference any old code you may have, and the React Documentation, however, please refrain from copying and pasting any of your answers. Try and understand the question and put your responses in your own words. Be as thorough as possible when explaining something.
  • Just a friendly Reminder Don't fret or get anxious about this, this is a no-pressure assessment that is only going to help guide you here in the near future. This is NOT a pass/fail situation.

Start by forking and cloning this repository.

Questions - Self Study - You can exercise your Google-Fu for this and any other Sprint Challenge in the future.

  1. Describe the biggest difference between .forEach & .map.
  2. What is the difference between a function and a method?
  3. What is closure?
  4. Describe the four rules of the 'this' keyword.
  5. Why do we need super() in an extended class?

Initializing Project

  • Fork/Clone this repository.
  • Complete all the exercises as described inside each challenge file.
  • Use console.log() statements to check to see if your code does what it is supposed to do.
  • To test your console statements you can run node /assignments/<fileName> and see what prints in your terminal. You can also use an online tool like JSBin,, JSFiddle, or even your Chrome developer console.
  • Once you finish the challenges in each file, commit your code, and push it to your fork.

Challenge 1: Objects and Arrays

Test your knowledge of objects and arrays. Use the objects-arrays.js link to get started. Read the instructions carefully!

Challenge 2: Functions

This challenge takes a look at callbacks and closures as well as scope. Use the functions.js link to get started.

Challenge 3: Prototypes

Create constructors, bind methods, and create cuboids in this prototypes challenge: prototypes.js.

Challenge 4: Classes

Once you have completed the prototypes challenge, it's time to convert all your hard work into classes: classes.js.

Remember you can use any resources you want to solve these problems, but avoid copying/pasting solutions you've previously written. Also if you don't finish all of the challenges, that's fine! Just do what you can and submit your challenges in the end! HAVE FUN!