
📹 videoChat using RTC

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Videorama Video Chat App


This video Chat app makes use of Real-Time Computing and has the below software.

-Written HTML& CSS -Built with simple Javascript -Powered by the simpleWebRTC API

Future Tech

  • [AngularJS] - To help with HTML enhancement for my web apps
  • [Ace Editor] - A web-based text editor for creating and editing my software
  • [Twitter Bootstrap] - for building out the UI for the web app
  • [node.js] - evented I/O for the backend
  • [Gulp] - for streaming the build system
  • [Express] - for fast node.js network app framework
  • [Webpack] - for bundling similair software packages in an easy and fast way.


Want to contribute? Great!

Follow me first! my link to Github is: https://github.com/JSWesterfield

Contribute here: https://github.com/JSWesterfield/VideoApp


Powered by simpleWebRTC.

link below: https://github.com/andyet/SimpleWebRTC