
🛍️ Slack Bot that does purchase request on your behalf

Primary LanguageC#

Slack Slash Command for .NET

This sample Slack Command Application should help with understanding:

  • how to create a Slack command for Slack
  • how to create an interactive message with buttons
  • how to process a button being clicked in a Slack message
  • how to send direct messages to users in Slack from a Slack bot
  • how to persist state between messages using Firebase
  • how to start implementing the logic of a personal assistant to remind users of actions they need to take

Before executing it, setting credentials and variables must be updated

1st) Rename appsettings.Development.example.json to appsettings.Development.json

2nd) Update your own values

add FirebaseDatabase to have access to Firebase database

dotnet add package FirebaseDatabase.net --version 3.3.3# slack-slash-command-dotnet