
Simple key-value web registry based on a Spray REST server.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Simple key-value web registry based on a Spray REST server.

Deploying keys

For deploying keys at server's startup you should add a list of strings in server.conf like this

app.server.resources = ["key1","key2","key3"]

They will be automatically deployed in '/' path. By default, all resources have 'ResourceValue' format:

case class ResourceValue(value: String)

So their equivalent JSON will be:

{ "value" : "my-value-string" }

Running server


sbt run

In order to check if server is running, you can send a GET Http request to / and it should response:

Lighthouse is up!

Obtaining key value

Response might be a 204 error if key wasn't previously set or a 200 status code with the json media type of requested value.

	method: GET
	url: /<key>

Response1 (if available):
	{ "value" : "my-value-string" }

Response2 (if not available):
	<204 Status code>

Setting a value

	method: PUT
	url: /path/to/my-key
	header: content-type:'application/json; charse=utf-8'
	content: { "value" : "my-value-string" }

	<200 Status code>


  • Persistent key-values
  • Deploy of diferent value types
  • Security!
  • Pretty index page :-)
  • ...