Windows has the problem that it is not really performant when compiling LaTeX projects. This is a short CLI to compile a latex project on a remote (preferably) Linux server.
Start the remoteCompile.ps1 powershell script in the folder of your git repository
usage: remoteCompile [-help] [-clean] [-files <paths>]
-help lists this help
-clean cleans the Compile folder from tmp files and recompiles the LaTeX project
-files <paths> only uploads the given files (seperated by ',')
the paths are relative to the remoteCompile script
-fullUpload uploads all files
You have to set the following setting / magic numbers in remoteCompile.ps1:
$installationPathWinSCP = "C:\Program Files\WinSCP\WinSCPnet.dll" #path for winscp ddl
$pathGitRepository = "C:\Users\JSchmiegel\Documents\GitProject" #path of the git repository of the LaTeX project
$pathLaTeXProject = "C:\Users\JSchmiegel\Documents\GitProject\Arbeit\" #path of the LaTeX project (has to be part of the path of the git repository)
$nameDocument = "main.pdf" #filename of the latex pdf document
$compileHost = "" #name/ip-adress of the compile server
$compileHostUsername = "admin" #username of the user who compiles/uploads
$pathPrivatSshKey = "C:\Users\JSchmiegel\.ssh\adminpriv.ppk" #path of the private ssh key
$compileHostKeyFingerprint = "ssh-ed25519 255 ns0JzdwwsByT2fAioJok1Rlra2YUlkToS6II7XhW+fU=" #sshKeyFingerprint
- remote (linux) server
- ssh key to connect to the remote server (see: Set up SSH public key authentication)
Folder in the home directory- copy
into theCompile
Folder - copy
into theCompile
- copy
- WinSCP installed on the client (WinSCP Homepage)
- all needed latex packages installed on the remote server
- set settings