
⛵ App Platform sample Laravel application.

Primary LanguagePHP

This is a sample Laravel application for App Platform.

To deploy a Laravel application to App Platform, you will need to set your application key. Generate a key by running the following command on your local machine:

❯ php artisan --no-ansi key:generate --show

Copy the base64:... output to your clipboard. This is your application key. When deploying your application to App Platform, configure the APP_ENV environment variable to use the key you generated.


By default, Apache will be used as the webserver. If you would like to use Nginx instead, create a file named Procfile at the root of your repo with:

web: heroku-php-nginx -C nginx.conf public/

and create a file named nginx.conf also at the root of the repo with:

location / {
    try_files $uri @php;

location @php {
    rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php$1 last;