
Created during my Master's degree. This was my Masters Project. Built using C++, NGL, GLM and OpenGL.

Primary LanguageC++

This is my Masters Project. This is an implementation of flame simulation using a mass spring system.

The only libraries that this code requires is glm and ngl.

When the program is run a window with a still flame and some UI will appear. In order to start the simulation, press the “Run” button and to restart it press the “Restart” button. On the left of the screen there is a frame rate counter (this will display 0 until run has been placed).

Under the Forces section is the tabs for the internal and external forces. The internal tab you can change the spring constant, the damping value, the mass and the rest length. The external forces tab contains the flame buoyancy (the force acting up), the time for the wind impulse to be on, the time for the wind impulse to be off and the wind force vector.

Under the draw section is the wireframe toggle and a textured toggle that will turn on or off the flame texture. There is also a drop down box for the number of flames to put in the scene.