
Simple pokedex app to master javascript basics and combine them with my own graphic skills

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pokedex Coding App

Preview: https://birdieber.github.io/simple-js-app/

This is a simple Pokedex app created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, allowing users to explore a list of Pokemon fetched from the PokeAPI. When the user clicks on a Pokemon name, they can view the details of that particular Pokemon. The app also features a custom-designed Pokedex interface with screens and clickable buttons.


List of Pokemon: The app fetches a list of Pokemon from the PokeAPI and displays them for users to browse.

Pokemon Details: By clicking on a Pokemon name, users can view detailed information about that specific Pokemon, including its stats, abilities, types, and more.

Custom Pokedex Design: The Pokedex interface has been designed with creative graphics skills, including screens and interactive buttons.

Future Enhancements: The app is planned to be expanded with additional features, animations, and enhancements to make it more engaging, responsive and user-friendly.

Technologies Used

HTML: Used for structuring the content and elements of the app.

CSS: Utilized for styling and layout of the Pokedex interface.

JavaScript: Employed for implementing the app's interactivity and functionality.

jQuery: Used to simplify DOM manipulation and event handling.

Bootstrap: Leveraged for creating a responsive design and ensuring compatibility across different devices.

Photoshop: Utilized for graphic design and creating custom assets for the Pokedex interface.

Future Plans

The app is intended to be further developed to include the following enhancements:

Animations: Add smooth animations to the Pokedex interface and transitions when displaying Pokemon details.

Filtering and Sorting: Allow users to filter and sort the list of Pokemon based on different criteria.

Search Functionality: Implement a search feature to help users find specific Pokemon more easily.

Sound Effects: Integrate sound effects to emulate the authentic Pokedex experience.

Credits The app makes use of the PokéApi for fetching Pokemon data. The Pokedex design and graphics are created by me using Adobe Photoshop.