
.NET Site using github API

Primary LanguageC#

Personal Site

By Jonathan Stein

A personal site that uses the GitHub API to display starred repos

Site Specs

Your personal site requires the following minimum pages:

A styled landing page.
An about page that helps describe your journey to become a junior developer.
A projects page which uses the GitHub API to display your three most-starred repositories.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Download VisualStudio
  • Launch in preferred browser

Technologies Used


Copyright (c) 2017 Jonathan Stein

Licensed under the MIT License



  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc - Version 1.1.2
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore - Version 1.1.2
  • Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql - Version 1.1.2
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles - Version 1.1.2
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore - Version 1.1.2
  • Newtonsoft.Json
  • RestSharp.NetCore