
Discover and define your view's region for you

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a backbone.marionette plugin to help you define your View regions from your template HTML.

If you are a Marionette user, you might have notice you have to declare and define your regions inside your views like this

regions: {
    content: '[data-region="content"]',
    footer: 'footer'

this felt like declaring regions twice, once in the HTML, once in the view, when using data-region attribute (or whatever attribute you are using).

Ho, and yes, I am using data attributes, because like for the ui or events properties, you should avoid to use classes in real world. Those could change or should I say be changed. Especially if you are working in a team! That is why I am using data-region attribute a lot.

Now I am still using it, but just once, in the HTML.


npm i marionette.autoregion


You have to import it at the very begining of your app, in order to patch Marionette.View.

import {patch} from 'marionette.autoregion';

Or just import the mixin and use it in a single view

import {autoregion} from 'marionette.autoregion';
import Mn from 'backbone.marionette';

const MyView = Mn.View.extend(autoregion).extend({

    // this view now as the `_initAutoRegion` method
    // you will have to call it yourself when your view is ready

<main class="center ph2 pv2 pv3-ns">
    <header data-region="header"></header>

    <section class="bg-white-50 pa2 pa4-ns" data-region="body" data-no-replace></section>

    <footer data-region="footer" class="bg-white ph3 pv2 br3 br--bottom silver f6 tc">
  • data-region attribute is for adding a region to your view
  • data-no-replace is for indicate this region is using the marionette region replaceElement options

If your view already as a regions attribute, autoregion will not erase it but also not complete it.