
Manage your AWS EC2 instances from Hubot

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


This is a Hubot plugin. We use this module for running a small subset of AWS ec2 commands via chat.

Credit & divergence

This project was originally a fork of https://github.com/yoheimuta/hubot-aws. We removed significant functionality from the original application, diverged in the command format, and added, removed, and enhanced the commands for our specific purposes.


These changes are quite specific to our usage and highly unlikely to be reusable.

More generic, reusable contributions should be made to https://github.com/yoheimuta/hubot-aws, not here.

Contributions specific to our usage can be made here. See CONTRIBUTING




List Instances

Chat and my Instances

cfpbot ec2 [mine|chat]

This command will list the instances created by chat bot.

  • mine - will list all instances you have created
  • chat - will list all instances that the chat bot has created.

Filter instances

cfpbot ec2 filter [search_text]

This command will show all instances that have the 'search_text' in the name.

Creating, Stopping & Extending

Create Instances

cfpbot ec2 run [name] [desc] 

This command will create a new ec2-instance.

  • name - The tag name that will be given to this ec2 instance.
  • desc - The tag desc that will be given to this ec2 instance

Stop Instances

cfpbot ec2 stop --instance_id=[instance_id]

This command will stop, not terminate, an ec2-instance of a given id. It will only allow you to stop instances that you created.

  • instance_id - The instance id of the ec2 instance which you can get from the List Instances commands.

Resume Instances

cfpbot ec2 start [instance_id]

This command will start an ec2-instance of a given id.

  • instance_id - The instance id of the ec2 instance which you can get from the List Instances commands.

Extend an Instance's Expiration Date

cfpbot ec2 extend [instance_id]

This command will add two weeks to the expiration date of an ec2-instance created by cfpbot.

  • instance_id - The instance id of the ec2 instance which you can get from the List Instances commands.