
Add smartness and conversational UX to Hubot with dialogflow.com as back-end

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Add smartness to hubot with API.AI

A hubot script that adds conversational user experience with dialogflow as back-end.

When you talk to Hubot, this script sends the text to dialogflow, which in turns handles the dialog and detects intents and parameters. Finally, the script emits an event (robot.emit) so that it can be consumed by other scripts.


See src/dialogflow.coffee for full documentation.


Clone or copy the dialogflow.coffee into your bot script folder.

install dialogflow

yarn add dialogflow or npm install dialogflow --save

Configuration variable

DIALOGFLOW_PROJECT_ID: dialogflow project id which you get from https://console.dialogflow.com/api-client/

GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: path to the google sevice account key json file

Create listener scripts

hubot-dialogflow will emit events which correspond to intents that you describe in API.AI.

Let's say that you have an intent called help-me in dialogflow. You can create an hubot script which will act on help-me intents:

module.exports = (robot) ->
  robot.on "help-me", (msg, params) ->
    # Your code here

The parameters from the intent are passed as part of Hubot's event.


  • Add tests
  • put this to NPM