A python based software framework designed to perform Partial Wave and Amplitude Analysis with the goal of extracting resonance information from multiparticle final states. Supports the Un/Extended Un/Binned likelihood maximum estimation, Acceptance Rejection Method, and ISOBAR Model.
Currently we are attempting to port all previously written tools into a object oriented package that can be easily installed and used on any posix system.
- General Fitting Port
- General Simulator Port
- Multiprocessing implemented
- Tests implemented
- Automated Documentation
- Xeon Phi support offloading
- Gamp Masker Implemented
- PBS Support
- Tkinter replaced by PyQt4
- Support Gamp Data
The new General Shell is iminuit based threaded fitting tool, it is designed to run from your machines path or from a virtualenv.
To install simply run "python setup.py install", or optionally "python setup.py install --user" to install it locally instead of to your system
To use, run "GeneralFitting -wc" to have the GeneralShell write an Example.py and Example.yml to your current working directory. After modifying the Examples to fit your use case, run "GeneralFitting -c .yml"