
Exception when start

sstefanov opened this issue · 4 comments

When started I receive following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/sda2/sstefanov/.config/inkscape/extensions/laser.py", line 308, in
effect = GcodeExtension()
File "/mnt/sda2/sstefanov/.config/inkscape/extensions/laser.py", line 44, in init
File "/usr/share/inkscape/extensions/inkex/base.py", line 304, in init
File "/usr/share/inkscape/extensions/inkex/base.py", line 64, in init
File "/mnt/sda2/sstefanov/.config/inkscape/extensions/laser.py", line 271, in add_arguments
arguments = self.read_arguments()
File "/mnt/sda2/sstefanov/.config/inkscape/extensions/laser.py", line 296, in read_arguments
arguments.append({"name": name, "type": types[arg_type]})
KeyError: 'boolean'

I think line 19 in laser.inx must be like this:
<param name="filename_dynamic" type="bool" gui-text="Reuse SVG filename for output">false</param>
instead of:
<param name="filename_dynamic" type="boolean" gui-text="Reuse SVG filename for output">false</param>

According to the Wiki it's been changed to bool since v1.0.

Are you sure you are using the most up-to-date version of the extension?

Yes, check line 19 here:
This line is with "boolean" instead of "bool" (for example like in next line).

My bad, I meant to ask if you're using the latest version of Inkscape. Versions below 1.0 require the use of boolean insted of bool

My Inkscape version is 1.1.
In all cases I think there must be the same types in the file.
When I changed "boolean" to "bool" in .inx file this passes fine.