
Table of Contents


This is the Repository of the Knowledge Graph Lab. The Goal was the creation of a Knowledge Graph for relations between companies, their use of chemical compounds and their production site locations. The result is a collection of scripts, which build databases step by step with the needed information.

Every script can be run alone when the needed environment variables are set. In the following every step for running the script and therefore building the knowledge graph is described.

IMPORTANT: To run the scripts properly and ensure that every path works correctly, you have to be in the directory of the script and then run it. For further information, check out our documentation.

Packages and Environmental Variables

To get all needed packages, we added a requirements.txt. To install these, just run:

pip install requirements.txt
# or if pip3 is used
pip3 install requirements.txt

For some scripts there is additionally selenium needed. All variables are specified in the config.ini.

For spacy pretrained models are needed. To install these, just run:

python -m spacy download en_core_web_trf
python -m spacy download de_dep_news_trf


As Databases we use Postgres and Neo4j. Both run in Docker Containers. To initiate a Postgres container, just run:

# Get the Image
docker pull postgres
# Run container
docker run --name KGLPG --restart=always -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<PW> -d -p <PORT>:5432 -v /opt/PG/database:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres

Replace <PW> with an own password and <Port> with an open port on your machine. For Neo4j run:

# Get the Image
docker pull neo4j
# Run container
docker run --name KGLNEO --restart=always -p<PORT1>:7474 -p<PORT2>:7687 -d -v $HOME/neo4j/data:/data -v $HOME/neo4j/logs:/logs -v $HOME/neo4j/import:/var/lib/neo4j/import -v $HOME/neo4j/plugins:/plugins --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/<PW> neo4j:latest

<PORT1> is for the web interface and <Port2> is for the database itself.

Sometimes performace problems may occur when crawling all articles at the same time, but there is a quick fix We use 2 python classes for interaction with the databases. For Postgres the, which is used in every script. This class needs the packages tqdm and psycopg2 (both can be installed with pip). For Neo4j we have the in the folder Knowledge Graph. Thic class only needs neo4j as package (can be installed with pip).

For specifying the login credentials and IP + Port, edit the config.ini.

To recreate our database schema of the relational database:

CREATE TABLE public.articles (
    link text NOT NULL,
    content text,
    release_date date,
    language text

CREATE TABLE public.companies_wikidata (
    tag text NOT NULL
    name text NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE public.chemicals (
    link text,
    synonym text,
    tag text,
    chemical_formula text

CREATE TABLE public.companies (
    link text,
    synonym text,
    tag text

CREATE TABLE public.locations (
    link text,
    synonym text,
    iso text

CREATE TABLE public.company_chemical_relations (
    company text,
    chemical text,
    hierarchy integer,
    word_gap integer,
    article text, 
    chemical_formula text

CREATE TABLE public.company_location_relations (
    company text,
    location text,
    hierarchy integer,
    word_gap integer,
    article text,
    iso text

CREATE TABLE public.chemical_location_relations (
    chemical text,
    location text,
    hierarchy integer,
    word_gap integer,
    article text,
    iso text,
    chemical_formula text

ALTER TABLE ONLY public.articles
    ADD CONSTRAINT article_pk PRIMARY KEY (link);

Database Credentials in Scripts

To specify the credentials for the scripts, rename the config.ini.example to config.ini and edit the content for Postgres and Neo4j credentials.

Link Grabbing

The Link Grabbing part crawls the websites for links to articles and saves them in the Postgres database. In the ChemietechnikURLs.txt are all articles from listed. Our ICIS Link Grabbing script does not work anymore, as the website got changed and our inital crawling solution is now deprecated.

For executing you need the following additional packages:


For executing and you need an instance of selenium running. If wanted, you can use a docker instance of selenium (GitHub).

Content Grabbing

In the Content Grabbing part we open the crawled links and extract the text of the article. For all scripts the package newspaper3k is needed. For and you additionally need selenium.

When crawling, we often get the same article from different links. To delete all duplicates, run the oder run the following SQL Query, which detects duplicates and only keeps the article with the lexicographical first or minimum link:

DELETE FROM articles WHERE link NOT IN (
    SELECT min(link) as link FROM articles GROUP BY content


In our further analysis, we use NLP. To select the right model for the articles, we need the language. In the Language folder are several scripts which iterate over the articles, detect their languages (only German or English, as we have no other sources) and save an abbreviation ("de" or "en") in the database. As the language detection is not deterministic, we tried different libraries, but came to the conclusion that every script works fine.

Word Grabbing

In this step, we search for companies, locations and chemicals in the articles.


For the companies we use a listing of chemical companies from WikiData. For speed reasons we store all companies in the database in advance. This task is performed by the script (If wanted, there is a script to just use the biggest chemical companies from Wikipedia). To run it, you need the package pylodstorage (GitHub) for quering Wikidata.

If all companies are in the database, the script can extract all company occurrences in the articles. It also uses spacy.

As last step we need the Wikidata tags for every company. To add these, run the script.


For the locations we used a fairly simple approach, as every little step in direction of more complex locations brought us tons of trash data. In the end we focused on countries with a predefined dict ( To extract all locations and save them in the database, you need to run


For the chemical detection we query Wikidata. This task is performed by the script Here we need the packages spacy and pylodstorage (GitHub). To add the associated chemical formulas to the found synonyms, you can run, which also queries Wikidata.

Training Data with

The script saves for every synonym in companies the synonym and the sentence it occurs in to generate a table of training data for training a NER model.

Relation Extraction

To extract all relations between the three categories companies, locations and chemicals, run with the following arguments:

  1. Name of the first database of words
  2. Name of the second database of words
  3. Name of the first word category in relations table
  4. Name of the second word category in relations table
  5. Name of the relationstable

For example, running the script for all relations between companies and locations table:

python companies locations company location company_location_relations

For much simpler queries later on (here needed), run the scripts and in the folder RelationExtraction. The scripts will bring the location ISO and the chemical formulas in the relation tables.

Knowledge Graph

The whole database structure can be converted into a Neo4j graph database. For this, we have the scripts and seperately for adding the article nodes, but only those from wikidata in which data from Word Grabbing has been found. To include all articles you can run Both scripts also add the edges outgoing from the articles, when executed after For all scripts the neo4j package is needed.

Waste Content

The Waste Content is extracted via from the csv file in, which only contains data from factories in the USA from 2016 until 2020, provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). The data is not recorded in the rational database, but immediately stored in the Knowledge Graph.


Most of the Python scripts are implemented to be executed exactly once. However, we provide a (docstring) documentation for the database interfaces in and