
A tool written in go for easily creating gas-effective on-chain claiming using merkle trees.

Primary LanguageGo

Go Merkle Distributor

This repo is a golang implementation (using sol-merkle-tree-go) that generates the required data for a MerkleDrop. It takes in a JSON of address->balances (both in strings) and writes a file containing the data neccessary for a cliam transaction (index, address, amount, and proof).


go-merkle-distributor --json-file=/path/to/input.json --output-file=/path/to/output.json

Example output

./go-merkle-distributor --json-file=example-balances.json
2020/12/25 01:27:55 Generating claim info for /home/kiwi/Work/tools/go-merkle-distributor/example-balances.json
2020/12/25 01:27:55 Root: 0x8f18c9e313036848cbbcb8b34676105ce866ee33bf29d16dee82bd1a8411163d
2020/12/25 01:27:55 Created claim info file at addr-to-claim.json

Helper functions

// CreateDistributionTree uses sol-merkle-tree-go to construct a tree of balance items and returns a 
// human readable mapping of address to claim info such as the proof, amount, and index. 
func CreateDistributionTree(holderArray []*TokenHolder) (*solTree.MerkleTree, map[string]ClaimInfo, error)

// ArrayFromAddrBalMap takes a string mapping of address -> balance and converts it into an array for sorting and easier usage. 
func ArrayFromAddrBalMap(stringMap map[string]string) ([]*TokenHolder, error)

// BalancesAndSupplyAtBlock takes in a go-ethereum client, token address and traces 
// through transfer logs from the startBlock, to the endBlock.
func BalancesAndSupplyAtBlock(client *ethclient.Client, tokenAddress common.Address, startBlock int64, endBlock int64) (map[common.Address]*big.Int, *big.Int, error)

Example input


Example Output

    "0x00dF49020AD20Ae56769B9fc341bdd0E5AC75688": {
        "Index": 1,
        "Amount": "15000000000000000000",
        "Proof": [
    "0x12DF43220d650ae56769b9FC3b4ddD0e5ac75688": {
        "Index": 0,
        "Amount": "100000000000000000000",
        "Proof": [
    "0xF5DF46020AD20Ae56769B9fC3Da04D0e5Ac75688": {
        "Index": 2,
        "Amount": "1500000000000000000",
        "Proof": [
    "0xffd342920aD20aE56769B9FC3BA4DD0E5AC75688": {
        "Index": 3,
        "Amount": "1000000000000000000",
        "Proof": [
    "root": {
        "Index": 0,
        "Amount": "",
        "Proof": [