
WorldExplorer" is a web application that allows users to explore detailed information about countries around the world. It uses a countries API to fetch data such as population, capital, official language, currency, flag, and more. The application presents this data in a visually appealing manner using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



"WorldExplorer" is a web application that allows users to explore detailed information about countries around the world. It uses a countries API to fetch data such as population, capital, official language, currency, flag, and more. The application presents this data in a visually appealing manner using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


  1. Country Exploration: Users can search and explore detailed information about any country in the world.
  2. Detailed Information: For each country, a wide range of information is displayed including population, capital, official language, currency, timezone, flag, and more.
  3. Intuitive User Interface: The user interface is designed to be simple and intuitive, making navigation and understanding of the presented information easy.
  4. Responsive Design: The application is designed to adapt to different devices and screen sizes, ensuring a consistent user experience across mobile devices, tablets, and desktop computers.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5: For the structure and content of web pages.
  • CSS3: For the design and styling of the user interface.
  • JavaScript: For the logic and interactivity of the application.
  • Countries API: Used to fetch detailed data about countries.
  • Fetch API: For making HTTP requests to the Countries API.
  • Bootstrap (optional): For rapid development and creating a responsive user interface.

Installation and Running Instructions

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the index.html file in your web browser.