
process a picture to low poly format

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Process a picture to low poly format, base on WebGL

Live on https://zhiyishou.github.io/Polyer

This app could run anywhere on PC/Mac/Mobile except using IE10 or older



Drag or upload a picture to Polyer and edit with control panel
you can save the low poly picture after process


  • hold space to move
  • scroll mousewheel to zoom
  • the panel could be dragged

Control Panel


show edit window only

show edit window and view window both

show view window


Blur Size
The size of kernel when doing convolution for blur process

You could adjusting with Edit Bg is blured visual for finding a best value when the picture is smooth enough

Edge Size
The size of kernel when detecting edge for edge process

Optimum : 1
You could adjusting with Edit Bg is edged visual for finding a best value when the edge is exactly we want

Apply Button
Click for apply the current blur size and edge size

edge Bg
The background image of edit window

  • Original: show original image you uploaded as background
  • Blur: show blured image as background, could be refered when adjusting blur size
  • Edge: show edged image as background, could be refered when adjusting edge size



  • Add: add a vertex
  • Remove: remove vertices with a triangle


  • Move: move the view
  • ZoomL: Zoom the view to larger
  • ZoomS: Zoom the view to smaller

Vs Num
Num of all vertices

This value colud limit the num of vertices, the vertices be more, the processed picture will look like original picture more.


Mesh Color
The color of triangle mesh in edit window

Edit Bg
the clear color in edit window

View Bg
the clear color in view window

Fill Color
The way of fill a triangle

  • Average: Fill with the average of colors at three vertices in a triangle
  • Center: Fill with the color at the center of a triangle