
JSON comparing tool written in F#

Primary LanguageF#




Jameson \[/ˈdʒeɪməsən/\]

are they same JSON files?

Jameson is yet-another JSON key comparing/validate tool.
Runs on .Net Core which means runs on major OS platforms as well.
Jameson compares only keys, usually for validating i18n files


jameson -t <sourceFilePath> <targetFilePath> : compare <sourceFile> with <targetFile>
jameson -g <sourceFilePath>                  : compare <sourceFile> with all neighbour files
jameson -w <sourceFilePath>                  : show all keys of <sourceFile>

options :

options descriptions implemented
-o <outputDirectory> dump diff file to <outputDirectory> 🚫
-c <camel,pascal,upper,lower> check key naming convention with given convention type 🚫
--s compare strictly. will return 0 only when all the files have same key
--v show log verbosely
--h show help
--f auto generate missing keys 🚫