
Full-Stack MERN web app built for a client that owns a large gaming guild for the Guild Wars 2 Community

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Red Water Marauders

Client Web App

My Client came to me, wanting to create an app that has a sign up and log in page, a forum or chat room to communicate with guild members. I sat down with him and told him what technologies I could use to present to create his web app that he wanted.

Technologies as of July 9th, 2018

  • MongoDB (mLab?)
  • Express.JS
  • React.JS
  • Node.JS
  • Socket.io (used for possible chat room functionality)
  • Passport.JS
  • GW2 API (for character information and inventory stats)

Current Mock up of the main page

mockup v1.0

Copyright (c) 2018 Jason Goncalves