Testing Custom Directives


Now that we know all about custom directives, we need to test them. We do this via protractor.


  • Describe Directive testing
  • Write a unit test for our custom Directives

Testing directives

We already know how to use protractor to test our HTML output, so the explanation on how to test directives is very similar.

Our protractor setup currently runs a local webserver so we have a web page to test in our tests - this is the index.html that we've used before (you can see an example in this repo). Here we include all of our directives etc, and we use them like we would inside a normal application. This allows protractor to use the directive like a normal user would.

Inside this repo, we've got a counter directive that increments when we click on the directive.

function Counter() {
	return {
		template: [
			'<div class="counter">',
				'<div>Click anywhere to increment the counter!</div>',
				'<div class="counter__count">Current count: {{ count }}</div>',
		controller: function ($scope) {
			$scope.count = 0;
		link: function (scope, element) {
			element.on('click', function () {


			$scope.$on('$destroy', function () {

	.directive('counter', Counter);

Let's test this that our directive is functioning properly.

Inside our index.html, we have this:


This initializes and puts our counter directive on the page.

Now, in our Index.spec.js file inside spec/, we can grab the page.

describe('Directive Test', function() {

Now let's grab our counter directive - this has the class counter. Let's also grab the current count.

describe('Directive Test', function() {

	var counter = element(by.css('.counter'));
	var count = element(by.css('.counter__count'));

Now we can test that the counter displays an initial 0 count by grabbing the innerHTML.

describe('Directive Test', function() {

	var counter = element(by.css('.counter'));
	var count = element(by.css('.counter__count'));

	it('should have an initial 0 count', function () {
		expect(count.getInnerHtml()).toEqual('Current count: 0');

Awesome! Now, let's click on the counter and check that it increments the counter correctly.

describe('Directive Test', function() {

	var counter = element(by.css('.counter'));
	var count = element(by.css('.counter__count'));

	it('should have an initial 0 count', function () {
		expect(count.getInnerHtml()).toEqual('Current count: 0');

	it('should increment when we click on it', function () {

		expect(count.getInnerHtml()).toEqual('Current count: 1');


Sorted - now our directive is tested, and is working perfectly!