React Components Lab


In this lab, you'll write React components and render them into the DOM.

Note: there is already a bit of code in index.js. Don't remove it, you'll need it to complete the exercise!

The Oldercoaster

Grannies having fun

In index.js, create a React component called OlderCoaster using the React.createClass() syntax. It should render the following HTML:

<div class="oldercoaster">
  <p>Two grannies having the time of their life!</p>

Don't look too far

In index.js, create a React component called InFrontOfYou using the ES2015 class syntax. It should render the following HTML:

  <p>You shouldn't look too far.</p>
  <p>Sometimes, the solution is <strong>right in front of you.</strong></p>

Ye Olde Meat Shoppe

In index.js, create a React component called ButcherShop using the ES2015 class syntax. It should render the following HTML:

<div class="butcher-shop">
  <p>Hello! We have the following products for sale today:</p>
    <li>Short ribs</li>
    <li>Beef shin</li>

To render the <li> elements, use .map() on the BUTCHER_PRODUCTS array already defined in the index.js file, and return the appropriate React element.


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