How to install the program

Since Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers, this program uses ChromeDriver 105.0.5195.52. Please verify that your Chrome browser runs at the same version as the driver. Newer versions of the chromedriver.exe can be found at

It also runs on Python 3.10.6, which can be downloaded at

  1. Download an IDE (ex: VSCode, PyCharm, etc.)

  2. Clone the git repository at

  3. Start a virtual environment at the program's folder
    py -m venv venv

  4. Activate the virtual environment
    cd venv/Scripts/

    And then go back to the project folder
    cd ../../

  5. Download the required libraries
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Run! :D


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   \___/  |____|__ \/_______ \ /_______  / \______  /____|_  /___||____|     |____| /_______  /   
                  \/        \/         \/         \/       \/                               \/