
Modular base for developers to create Night Vision Goggles for Gmod. Features a loadout system, player model whitelisting, overlay animations and transitions, post-processing, opaque overrides and more.

Primary LanguageLua


Modular base for developers to create Night Vision Goggles for Gmod. Features a loadout system, player model whitelisting, overlay animations and transitions, post-processing, opaque overrides and more. The base also comes with an API with convenience functions in order to easily integrate with gamemodes and other addons. The following documentation is not a tutorial, for a complete example of what is possible with this framework, please see the following project: https://github.com/JWalkerMailly/SplinterCellNVG

Table of contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Controls
    1. Commands
    2. Whitelist
  3. Loadouts
    1. Template
    2. Registering
  4. API

Getting Started

Please note that this addon is simply a base. Nevertheless, here are the required steps to get everything working:

  1. Download a NVG Loadout addon to use with this base. Recommended: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2907238445
  2. Once installed, run this command:

It should print the name of the new loadout in the console, if it does not, restart your game.

  1. Next run this command:
NVGBASE_GAMEMODELOADOUT "name_of_loadout_here"
  1. You are now ready to use your new NVG loadout, press N to test it out and M to cycle through the goggles.


Controls are defined with clientside ConVars. Users can define their own in the console with the following commands:

Command Default Values Description
NVGBASE_INPUT 24 (KEY_N) 1 to 159 Key used to toggle goggle. Refer to this page for the values: https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Enums/KEY
NVGBASE_CYCLE 23 (KEY_M) 1 to 159 Key used to switch goggle. Refer to this page for the values: https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Enums/KEY

Impulse Commands

These commands can be used for easy integration with existing menus.

Command Default Values Description
+NVGBASE_TOGGLE none optional: 1 to 99 Toggle goggles. You can also force a goggle by passing the id as argument. For example, toggle the first goggle; +NVGBASE_TOGGLE 1.
+NVGBASE_SWITCH none optional: 1 to 99 Switch goggles. You can also force a goggle by passing the id as argument. For example, switch to the first goggle; +NVGBASE_SWITCH 1. Requires a goggle to already be toggled.

Console Commands

It is possible for the server admins to dictate which loadout should be used on the fly, and set rules regarding whether or not a player can choose its own NVG loadout. Here is a list of all console commands available.

Command Values Description
NVGBASE_ALLOWPLAYERLOADOUT 0 or 1 admin Determine if players can choose their own NVG loadout.
NVGBASE_DEFAULTLOADOUT String, name of loadout admin Set default loadout when none is set. To reset, use an empty string.
NVGBASE_GAMEMODELOADOUT String, name of loadout admin Set loadout on all players. This will also change the default loadout.
NVGBASE_PLAYERLOADOUT String, name of loadout Choose loadout. It is possible to print a list of available loadouts using the command NVGBASE_SHOWLOADOUTS.
NVGBASE_SHOWLOADOUTS none Print a list of available loadouts to console.


The playermodel whitelist is a way of restricting loadout goggles to certain playermodels. This feature is useful for gamemodes. The whitelist can be turned on or off globally by an administrator of the server. To do so, use the following command (off by default):


When the whitelist if turned off, any goggle from the player's loadout can be used by his player model.


A loadout is a configuration table with one or multiple goggles defined inside of it. A loadout should be catered towards a specific subject. A great implementation of this is the Splinter Cell loadout referenced at the top of this readme. Loadout configurations need to be defined inside a lua file inside a folder named nvgloadouts. If you are creating an addon, this should be your folder structure:


Loadout template file

Here is the structure of a loadout, this is not a tutorial, it is simply a reference template file. If you are looking for a more in depth example of what is possible with this base, please see the following project as reference: https://github.com/JWalkerMailly/SplinterCellNVG/blob/main/lua/nvgloadouts/

local TEMPLATE = {};
TEMPLATE.Goggles = {};

-- Base settings.
TEMPLATE.Settings = {

	-- Animation gesture to use if your playermodels support it.
	Gestures = {
		On = nil,
		Off = nil

	-- Bodygroup to set if your playermodels have special bodygroups for goggles on/off.
	BodyGroups = {
		Group = nil,  -- Should be an int, or nil if you don't use bodygroups
		Values = {
			On = nil, -- Should be an int, or nil if you don't use bodygroups
			Off = nil -- Should be an int, or nil if you don't use bodygroups

	-- Goggle overlays.
	-- Goggle is a static fullscreen texture.
	-- Transition is the texture used when animating the transition in and out.
	Overlays = {
		Goggle = nil,    -- Should be a Material() or nil
		Transition = nil -- Should be a Material() or nil

	-- Transition timings for transition overlay.
	Transition = {
		Rate = 5,
		Delay = 0.225,
		Switch = 0.5,
		Sound = nil -- String representing the path to the sound file.

	-- True to remove on death, false otherwise.
	RemoveOnDeath = true

-- First goggle settings.
TEMPLATE.Goggles[1] = {

	Name = "first_goggle_name",

	-- Whitelist should be a table of playermodel strings.
	Whitelist = nil,

	-- Full screen material overlay.
	MaterialOverlay   = nil,   -- Should be a material or nil
	OverlayFirst      = false, -- Used to swap rendering order between this and Overlays.Goggle

	-- Full screen material overlay.
	MaterialInterlace = nil,   -- Should be a material or nil
	InterlaceColor    = Color(255, 255, 255, 255),

	-- Material to apply to every entity that passes the filter function.
	MaterialOverride  = nil, -- Should be a string path or nil, not a Material.
	Filter = function(ent)

		-- This will be ran for every entity. Return true to override entity's material.

	-- Goggle sounds table. Each sound can be set to nil.
	Sounds = {
		Loop      = nil, -- Plays continuously, must be a looping sound.
		ToggleOn  = nil, -- Played once when toggling on.
		ToggleOff = nil, -- Played once when toggling off.
		Activate  = nil  -- Played once then toggling on, used for special effects.

	-- Lighting example. Dynamic lights are expensive and should be small.
	-- This is better suited for illuminating your viewmodel rather than the world itself.
	-- Set to nil if not using.
	Lighting = {
		Color      = Color(25, 25, 25),
		Min        = 0,
		Style      = 0,
		Brightness = 1,
		Size       = 200,
		Decay      = 200,
		DieTime    = 0.05

	-- Projected texture example. Use this to illuminate the world rather
	-- than the lighting table as it yields better results. Set to nil if not using.
	ProjectedTexture = {
		FOV        = 140,
		VFOV       = 100,
		Brightness = 2,
		Distance   = 2500

	-- Photosensitive influences the goggles light sensitivity. Set to nil if not using.
	PhotoSensitive = 0.9,

	-- Color correction example.
	ColorCorrection = {
		ColorAdd   = Color(0.2, 0.4, 0.05),
		ColorMul   = Color(0, 0, 0),
		ColorMod   = 0.25,
		Contrast   = 1,
		Brightness = 0.05

	PostProcess = function(self)
		-- Set to nil if you are not doing postprocessing.
		-- * self refers this goggle table.

		-- This is where you would call DrawBloom, DrawSobel, etc.

	OffscreenRendering = function(self, texture)
		-- Set to nil if you are not doing offscreen rendering.
		-- * self refers this goggle table.
		-- * texture is a full screen material of the player's view before any processing. 
		--   Useful for UV effects.

	PreDrawOpaque = function(self)
		-- Set to nil if you are not doing opaque effects
		-- * self refers this goggle table.
		-- This hook should be used to affect entity render modes, etc.

	PreDrawHalos = function(self)
		-- Set to nil if you are not doing halo effects.
		-- * self refers this goggle table.
		-- This hook should be used to draw halos around entities, for more info:
		-- https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/halo.Add

-- Define second goggle of the loadout, so on and so forth.
TEMPLATE.Goggles[2] = {}

-- Register the loadout.
NVGBASE.Register("loadout_name", TEMPLATE);

Registering Loadout

Make sure to register your loadout by adding this line at the bottom of your loadout file:

NVGBASE.Register("loadout_name", YOUR_LOADOUT_TABLE);


An API ships with this addon to aid developers in interacting with the NVG Base. Here is a list of all available endpoints. To view the raw API, see this link: https://github.com/JWalkerMailly/Gmod-NVGBase/blob/main/lua/autorun/nvgbase_api.lua

NVGBASE_IsWhitelistOn _G:NVGBASE_IsWhitelistOn()

Determine if player whitelisting is active on the server. This essentially returns the value of the NVGBASE_WHITELIST ConVar.


true if active, false otherwise.

NVGBASE_SaveRenderingSettings entity:NVGBASE_SaveRenderingSettings()

Utility function to save an entity's Color, RenderMode and RenderFX properties. Useful when you are about to modify an entity's render properties. This function can be called every frame as it won't continuously write data. Data is written once and any subsequent calls will be skipped for easy integration.

NVGBASE_ResetRenderingSettings entity:NVGBASE_ResetRenderingSettings()

Utility function to reset an entity's render properties. This is used in conjunction with NVGBASE_SaveRenderingSettings(). The framework will reset an entity's render settings for you but this function is available if you wish to perform more complex render operations.

NVGBASE_IsBoundingBoxVisible player:NVGBASE_IsBoundingBoxVisible( target, maxDistance )

Determine if an entity is visible by the player.


Name Type Description
target entity The entity to test.
maxDistance int Max test distance in hammer units.


true if visible, false otherwise.

NVGBASE_AnimGoggle player:NVGBASE_AnimGoggle( gogglesActive, anim, bodygroup, on, off )

Utility function to animate playermodel. Can also be used to change playermodel bodygroup. Playermodel animation is set using AnimRestartGesture, refer to this link for more information: https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Player:AnimRestartGesture. For more information on bodygroups, see this link: https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Entity:SetBodygroup.


Name Type Description
gogglesActive bool Whether the goggle is active or not.
anim enum optional The anim (ACT) gesture to use to animate the playermodel. Use nil if not animating.
bodygroup int optional The bodygroup ID to modify. Use nil if not changing bodygroup.
on int The bodygroup's "on" value for the goggles.
off int The bodygroup's "off" value for the goggles.

NVGBASE_GetGoggleToggleKey player:NVGBASE_GetGoggleToggleKey()

Return the player's key used to toggle NVG goggle. Refer to this link for more info on keys: https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Enums/KEY


Goggle toggle key value.

NVGBASE_GetGoggleSwitchKey player:NVGBASE_GetGoggleSwitchKey()

Return the player's key used to switch NVG goggle. Refer to this link for more info on keys: https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Enums/KEY


Goggle switch key value.

NVGBASE_GetNextToggleTime player:NVGBASE_GetNextToggleTime()

If you are comparing against this value, simply check that CurTime() is greater for "can toggle".


The next time the goggle and be toggled.

NVGBASE_GetNextSwitchTime player:NVGBASE_GetNextSwitchTime()

If you are comparing against this value, simply check that CurTime() is greater for "can switch".


The next time the goggle and be switched.

NVGBASE_GetLoadout player:NVGBASE_GetLoadout()

Utility function to retreive a player's current NVG loadout.


Full loadout table. Can be used to access all the settings of the current loadout.

NVGBASE_SetLoadout player:NVGBASE_SetLoadout( loadoutName )

Set which NVG loadout the player should use. Although this can be used on both client and server, it should either be set on both, or server only. Setting it only clientside will cause a desync between the server and the client.


Name Type Description
loadoutName string The loadout to use. This is the key name of a registered loadout.

NVGBASE_IsGoggleActive player:NVGBASE_IsGoggleActive()

Determine if the player is currently using a NVG goggle. This essentially returns the player's current ConVar value for NVGBASE_TOGGLE.


true if active, false otherwise.

NVGBASE_ToggleGoggle player:NVGBASE_ToggleGoggle( loadout, silent, force )

Internal utility function used to toggle a player's goggle. Although this can be used on both client and server, it should either be used on both, or server only. Setting it only clientside will cause a desync between the server and the client.


Name Type Description
loadout table Player's current loadout table.
silent bool Set to true to avoid playing toggle sound, false to play.
force int optional Use to force set the toggle status. 1 for true, 0 for false.

NVGBASE_ToggleGoggleAnim player:NVGBASE_ToggleGoggleAnim( loadout, button, override )

Utility function used to toggle a player's goggle.


Name Type Description
loadout table Player's current loadout table.
button enum optional Useful in a ButtonDown hook. Will check to see if the button matches the player's defined input.
override int optional Force goggle id onto the player. Must be an integer.

NVGBASE_SwitchToNextGoggle player:NVGBASE_SwitchToNextGoggle( loadout )

Internal utility function to switch to the next goggle. If whitelisting is on, will switch to the next goggle the user has access to. If whitelisting is off, will cycle through all the goggles.


Name Type Description
loadout table Player's current loadout table.
override int optional Force goggle id onto the player. Must be an integer.

NVGBASE_CanToggleGoggle player:NVGBASE_CanToggleGoggle( key )

Utility function to determine if the player can toggle their goggles. If no key is provided, will only take into account timing since last toggle. Providing a key will check to make sure it matches with the player's toggle key. For more info on keys, see this link: https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Enums/KEY


Name Type Description
key enum optional Key input to test. Useful when used inside a player input hook.


true if can toggle, false otherwise.

NVGBASE_CanSwitchGoggle player:NVGBASE_CanSwitchGoggle( key )

Utility function to determine if the player can switch their goggles. If no key is provided, will only take into account timing since last switch. Providing a key will check to make sure it matches with the player's switch key. For more info on keys, see this link: https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Enums/KEY


Name Type Description
key enum optional Key input to test. Useful when used inside a player input hook.


true if can switch, false otherwise.

NVGBASE_GetGoggle player:NVGBASE_GetGoggle()

Utility function to get the current NVG goggle table of a player.


Current goggle table. Useful for accessing a goggle's settings.

NVGBASE_SetGoggle player:NVGBASE_SetGoggle( loadoutName, name )

Utility function to set a goggle on the player. Does not toggle the goggle, will simply set the reference for the next toggle. Although you can use this function, you probably shouldn't.


Name Type Description
loadoutName string The loadout to which the goggle being set belongs.
name string The name of the goggle to use when toggling.


true on success, false otherwise.

NVGBASE_GetPreviousGoggle player:NVGBASE_GetPreviousGoggle()

Utility function to retreive the player's previous goggle.


Previous goggle table. Useful for accessing a goggle's settings.

NVGBASE_IsWhitelisted player:NVGBASE_IsWhitelisted( loadout, goggle )

Determines if the player is whitelisted for a goggle according to his playermodel. If no goggle is supplied, will do a general check to see if he can use the loadout.


Name Type Description
loadout table The loadout to which the goggle being set belongs.
goggle int The goggle key from the loadout.


true if whitelisted, false otherwise.