#homework0 This homework is simply used to check if all students know how to work with git and github (no credit). At the sametime, it also helps me to know you a little bit more :)

Brief self-introduction [max 500 words]

Please don't mind I'm copying my airbnb introduction LOL

Hi, I'm Joey, a 23 years old graduate student and traveler from Hsinchu, Taiwan. My mother tongue is Chinese, I also speak English and a little Japanese(JLPT N3).

I'm an amateur guitarist used to playing in a band. I listen to a variety of music genres like: metal, punk, jazz, blues etc. I also love to watch movies and TV series, films directed by Christopher Nolan and David Finch are my favorites.

I love backpack and in-depth traveling. I had travel to Japan 3 times. (Kansai region twice and Kanto once) I also went to Summer Sonic 2016 on the trip. Ramen is my favorite Japanese dishes, I had tried a lot of Japanese ramen chain stores in Taiwan, so if you know great places, please tell me. :)

Nice to meet you and wish you a good day.

Why Computer Vision? [max 500 words]

Because I'm professor Sun's students. And I'm interest in the field.

What do you want to achieve in the course? [ max 500 words]

Cool and novelty final project.

Due Date: Sept. 20, 2017