
A mono repo for a walking skeleton applicaiton

Primary LanguageHCL

Walking Skeleton

This is a monorepo comprising of code that creates a React front end, a spring boot backend and a postgres database using docker

Disclaimer: This is not intended to be a production hardened system but a framwork around which a simple application can be created


  • Docker Desktop
  • Java 11
  • NodeJS
  • An RDBMS eg. DBeaver, DbSchema etc... (optional)
  • A http client eg. Postman (optional)

What is a walking skeleton?

It's a colllection of lean services that solve some problem from end to end. It represents a minimal implementation that will produce some valuable outcome.

How to run this application

  • In the project root, run the command make db to get the postgres image and start the container that will hold it (the database will run on port 5432)
  • cd into the simpleWebservice directory
  • run the command ./gradlew bootRun (the service should run on port 8080 by default)
  • We can verify this was successful by going to http://localhost:8080/getUsers using a http client or more simply via a browser
  • In another terminal cd into the simpleFrontEnd directory
  • If this is our first time running the service we need to retrieve our dependencies using npm install or npm i
  • We then run the front end locally by using the command npm start
  • This should automatically open a browser on port http://localhost:3000 where we will see a simple webpage
  • If we click on the button it will make a get request to our locally running webservice where we retrieve data and display it on the page

How to run all using Docker and docker-compose

  • Run make all up to build docker images for both front-end and back-end applications and start containers for each application, including database.
  • Run make down to stop all containers.


  • The ports we use are hardcoded, so if we wish to run these services on other ports we will need to update our code accordingly
  • The optional RDBMS is suggested if you wish to connect directly to the database running on port 5432
  • The optional http client is suggested if we wish to more closely inspect the responses we get from our running webservice