
Playable demo and project file for a turn-based RPG battle system based around using clever tactics to avoid taking damage.

Primary LanguageYaccMIT LicenseMIT


Playable demo and project file for a turn-based RPG battle system based around using clever tactics to avoid taking damage.

This project is the result of my attempting to answer the question of if it was possible to design a turn-based combat system that was fun to fight in, and in which players could avoid taking damage through engaging with the systems cleverly. A more detailed break down of my design intentions and conclusions can be found in /Docs/Design Goals and Conclusions.txt

The project itself, which was made and built in Game Maker 2022.3.0.625, can be found in the /Project folder. This was a personal project driven by my own curiosity, and as such, it was not my intention that other people would be working on it. I have attempted to set up the project in a reasonable way, but between the expectations of solo development of a demo project, and the long period since I last made major code changes, there may be inefficiencies in the code and project structure. While you are free to build on top of it, the purpose of releasing this project in this form is to share the design of the stance system, rather than this particular implementation of it.

The demo in its compiled form can be found in /Build/StanceRPG.zip I would recommend those curious to see how this system plays begin here, and then move on to look at the design doc to understand the goals and dynamics that shaped the system.

While I unfortunately don't have the time or resources to develop this system into a full game, it is my hope that it will inspire other RPG developers in the designs of their own combat systems. And if you are such a developer, I would love to hear about it when you release a game that uses or was inspired by the stance system!