
A full-featured Webpack + vue-loader setup with hot reload, linting, testing & css extraction.. (Thanks for vue-hackernews-2.0)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A full-featured Webpack setup with hot-reload, lint-on-save & css extraction.

This template built with Vue 2.0 + vue-router + vuex, with server-side rendering.


  • For this template: learn more with the vue-ssr-demo
  • For Vue 2.0: general information about how to work with Vue, not specific to this template


This is a project template for vue-cli. It is recommended to use npm 3+ for a more efficient dependency tree.

$ npm install -g vue-cli
$ vue init JZ-FE/vue-ssr-template my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

If port 8080 is already in use on your machine you must change the port number in server.js. Otherwise npm run dev will fail.

What's Included

  • npm run dev: first-in-class development experience.

    • Webpack + vue-loader for single file Vue components.
    • State preserving hot-reload
    • State preserving compilation error overlay
    • Lint-on-save with ESLint
    • Source maps
  • npm run build: Production ready build.

    • JavaScript minified with UglifyJS.
    • HTML minified with html-minifier.
    • CSS across all components extracted into a single file and minified with cssnano.
    • All static assets compiled with version hashes for efficient long-term caching, and a production index.html is auto-generated with proper URLs to these generated assets.
    • Use npm run build --reportto build with bundle size analytics.

Fork It And Make Your Own

You can fork this repo to create your own boilerplate, and use it with vue-cli:

vue init username/repo my-project