A simple calculator written in HTML, CSS, and TypeScript, as an exercise from The Odin Project
This project creates a simple calculator application, wherein users can evaluate simple arithmetic expressions.
This project is an exercise from The Odin Project.
- NodeJS and
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Ja-Uyoma/Calculator.git
- Change into the project's directory
cd ./Calculator
- Install dependencies
npm install
You can produce either a development or production build of the project.
- For a development build, run the following command.
npm run dev
After this, you can view the project in your browser at the address localhost:5173
- For a production build, run the following command.
npm run build && npm run preview
After this, you can view the project in your browser at the address localhost:4173
- To optionally run the tests, run the following command.
npm run test
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md for more information.
This project is now complete.