- 0
- 5
Install with pipx under 3.12.3 will not run
#344 opened by ssteinerx - 6
[Feature] Ability to autostart sessions
#310 opened by BEST8OY - 1
Add button to open config file
#331 opened by gmelodie - 0
[FEAT] WASM using v86 + Docker
#334 opened by JaDogg - 2
[FEAT] Allow Skipping to the next period
#327 opened by damascene - 2
Unecessary msilib import
#332 opened by gmelodie - 7
Support for notification daemon
#53 opened by UddipakBhuyan - 8
- 1
Add configuration screen
#50 opened by gmelodie - 1
[FEAT] Run a command after successful sessions
#315 opened by JaDogg - 2
- 1
Binary build for Mac/Windows
#94 opened by JaDogg - 6
[BUG] No sound for OpenBSD
#289 opened by yuuwe-n - 8
Create F1 dialog to show current configured shortcuts :)
#127 opened by JaDogg - 5
- 14
[BUG] Custom audio for alarm does not work
#288 opened by j-barnak - 6
[FEAT] Would itbe possible to make it so you can change the sound the timer makes?
#287 opened by j-barnak - 1
Add support for cmd/shell execution.
#269 opened by Liupold - 3
High cpu usage and possible solution
#86 opened by freidonuten - 2
more command line interface or api wanted [FEAT]
#240 opened by youzark - 7
[BUG] No alarm sound
#264 opened by miguelvalente - 1
[FEAT] Support different .wav files / built in alarms?
#207 opened by JaDogg - 1
from pydoro.pydoro_core.tomato import Tomato ImportError: No module named pydoro_core.tomato
#159 opened by 0xj4f - 3
Fix build script
#147 opened by JaDogg - 1
Dependabot couldn't authenticate with
#145 opened by dependabot-preview - 1
Rain sound / whitenoise feature
#105 opened by JaDogg - 1
Alternative linux audio?
#61 opened by JaDogg - 1
wcwidth and pyinstaller might have problems
#126 opened by JaDogg - 9
Failed to build wheel for pycairo
#60 opened by binishjoshi - 1
Create test sound feature
#114 opened by JaDogg - 8
docutils version mismatch?
#110 opened by luiguip - 1
README should include all contributors 😀😎
#117 opened by JaDogg - 1
Failed to run from pydoro command
#91 opened by JaDogg - 2
No match for pip install pydoro[audio]
#92 opened by supermitch - 5
- 1
Create build with latest Pyinstaller to avoid onefile security issue (windows single file .exe only)
#85 opened by JaDogg - 2
- 2
Code review with
#16 opened by JaDogg - 4
No animation/Silent mode
#13 opened by supermitch - 2
- 2
- 0
Drop support for 3.5 so I can use new dependencies
#42 opened by JaDogg - 0
- 0
- 4
Availability for small window in phone
#14 opened by wi24rd - 0
Release 0.1.3
#17 opened by JaDogg - 4
Colour ASCII tomato in green and red
#7 opened by JaDogg - 1
Rename PyDoro to pydoro
#6 opened by JaDogg - 1
No module pydoro_core tomato
#4 opened by DenGodunov