NOTE: Although I could not find any rules about bots on imgur (either in the terms of service OR the API), I am willing to bet this could get a user banned, and is definitely a bit shady.
Simple Command Line ruby script to respond to comments on imgur using cleverbot responses.
Make sure to create a file in your $HOME directory named .imgurrc
You can rename this file, but you will need to change the constant in lib/imgur.rb
File contents:
:client_id: YOUR_APP_CLIENT_ID
:client_secret: YOUR_APP_CLIENT_SECRET
For this to work, you will need to register an Imgur application (, and then authorize it using an Imgur account. After doing so, you will record the access token and refresh token in the .imgurrc
file, using the following lines:
:account_username: THE_IMGUR_USER_NAME
:access_token: YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
:refresh_token: YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN