
Simple jQuery plug-in for creating Facebook Dialogs using Facebook JS SDK

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple jQuery plug-in for creating Facebook Dialogs using Facebook JS SDK


Handles fb dialog links by taking their data attributes as fb parameters

  @param selector string   Optional (or null / false) The selector on which to add the binding
  @param callback function Optional callback function called by FB.ui when complete (takes one parameter)
  @param method   string   Optional method for the FB.ui call (overrides data-method attribute)
  @return {Boolean}
  $(document||selector).fbDialog(selector, callback(response), method);


  $(document).fbDialog('.feed-post-dialog', function(data) {console.log(data)}, 'feed');
  $('.feed-post-dialog').fbDialog(null, function() {console.log('callback')});

Sample HTML:

<a class="btn feed-post-dialog"
   data-method="something-incorrect" <!-- replaced by method parameter because it's wrong -->
   data-name="This is the name parameter"
   data-caption="This is the caption parameter"
   data-description="This is the description parameter">Feed Post Dialog</a>