This application was written and tested for ruby1.9.2 and is designed to work in conjunction with the libnotify notification daemon to display a notification on the desktop whenever a feed finds a new message from any of the following services:
- Twitter (Home feed, list, or search)
- Gmail (Inbox or any other label)
- Google Voice (SMS, Missed Calls, or Voicemails)
- RSS / Atom Feeds
- Github (Commit messages and affected files)
- SVN (Commit messages and affected files)
Since it is presently using libnotify, it is designed to work in Linux, Although I have heard of windows ports for libnotify, and additional notifier classes could also be written for windows or mac notification libraries.
One running instance of the daemon can contain multiple and mixed feeds from which to retrieve updates. Each type of request (i.e. Gmail, Gvoice, Twitter, etc.) is added to its own stack, and that stack will be scanned independently. One request from the request group will be sent every 15 seconds. (This means that different types of requests will be scanned concurrently).
Future goals are to allow for Facebook feeds as well.
To use this application in its present state, you must have the following gems installed: (use commands below).
sudo gem install uuid
sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-dev # To allow installing gems which require mkmf
sudo gem install libnotify # For using libnotify
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev # For nokogiri
sudo gem install nokogiri # For using Google Voice, SVN, GitHub
sudo gem install simple-rss # For using Gmail, RSS/Atom
sudo gem install twitter # For using Twitter
sudo apt-get install subversion # For using SVN (requires the command line client)
*** Following facebook feeds isn't working right now, as the offline_access *** token is being deprecated.
sudo gem install fb_graph
*** config-dist.rb must be filled out and renamed as config.rb for the *** application to run, and you must fill out your twitter settings in *** that file (follow the instructions in that file) to access the *** Twitter API
ruby application.rb start
./application.rb add twitter home
./application.rb add twitter list [list-owner] [list]
./application.rb add twitter search keyword
./application.rb add twitter search "key words"
Gmail (view unread within any label):
./application.rb add gmail [label or 'inbox'] [username] [password]
./application.rb add gmail inbox [username/email] [password]
./application.rb add gmail work [username/email] [password]
Google Voice: (unread texts, voicemails, or missed calls)
./application.rb add google-voice sms [username/email] [password]
./application.rb add google-voice vm [username/email] [password]
./application.rb add google-voice missed [username/email] [password]
./application.rb add rss http://path.com/url/to/rss/feed
./application.rb add rss http://path.com/url/to/rss/feed [username] [password] # (optional un/pass)
./application.rb add [svn or subversion] http(s)://path.com/url/to/repo [username] [password]
./application.rb add subversion http://path.com/url/to/repo
./application.rb add svn https://path.com/url/to/repo [username] [password]
./application.rb add github [github commits atom URL]
./application.rb add github https://github.com/JaSpr/social-notifier/commits/master.atom
These commands all return a numbered list of requests in your stack, but you can directly query the stack without adding any new requests...
./application.rb list
./application.rb delete [entry type:entry index]
./application.rb delete gmail:1
After deletion, the entry number will not be reassigned, so running the command twice won't delete another entry.
./application.rb stop
A storage directory is created in your home directory in a directory named .social-notifier . This directory contains a subdirectory 'log' which contains the application log ( everything purposefully logged to the output ) and the debug log, which is lists ruby debug messages.
tail -f ~/.social-notifier/log/*
Additionally, a twitter-images folder is created to store Twitter user images so that they can be displayed with the tweet notification.