
iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, video compression, multiple images and cropping

Primary LanguageObjective-C


iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, video compression, multiple images and cropping



Import library

import ImagePicker from 'react-native-image-crop-picker';

Select from gallery

Call single image picker with cropping

  width: 300,
  height: 400,
  cropping: true
}).then(image => {

Call multiple image picker

  multiple: true
}).then(images => {

Select from camera

  width: 300,
  height: 400,
  cropping: true
}).then(image => {

Optional cleanup

Module is creating tmp images which are going to be cleaned up automatically somewhere in the future. If you want to force cleanup, you can use clean to clean all tmp files, or cleanSingle(path) to clean single tmp file.

ImagePicker.clean().then(() => {
  console.log('removed all tmp images from tmp directory');
}).catch(e => {

Request Object

Property Type Description
cropping bool (default false) Enable or disable cropping
width number Width of result image when used with cropping option
height number Height of result image when used with cropping option
multiple bool (default false) Enable or disable multiple image selection
includeBase64 bool (default false) Enable or disable returning base64 data with image
maxFiles (ios only) number (default 5) Max number of files to select when using multiple option
compressVideo (ios only) bool (default true) When video is selected, compress it and convert it to mp4
smartAlbums (ios only) array (default ['UserLibrary', 'PhotoStream', 'Panoramas', 'Videos', 'Bursts']) List of smart albums to choose from

Response Object

Property Type Description
path string Selected image location
width number Selected image width
height number Selected image height
mime string Selected image MIME type (image/jpeg, image/png)
size number Selected image size in bytes
data base64 Optional base64 selected file representation


npm i react-native-image-crop-picker --save
react-native link react-native-image-crop-picker

Post-install steps

cocoapods users
  • Add platform :ios, '8.0' to Podfile (!important)
  • Add pod 'RSKImageCropper' and pod 'QBImagePickerController' to Podfile
non-cocoapods users
  • Drag and drop the ios/ImageCropPickerSDK folder to your xcode project. (Make sure Copy items if needed IS ticked)
  • Click on project General tab
    • Under Deployment Info set Deployment Target to 8.0
    • Under Embedded Binaries click + and add RSKImageCropper.framework and QBImagePicker.framework
  • [Optional] If you want to use camera picker in your project, add following to AndroidManifest.xml
    • <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>

Production build

cocoapods users
  • You are already done
non-cocoapods users

If you are using pre-built frameworks from ios/ImageCropPickerSDK, then before deploying app to production you should strip off simulator ARCHs from these, or you can add frameworks from Libraries/imageCropPicker/Libraries/_framework_name_.xcodeproj/Products/_framework_name_.framework to Embedded Binaries instead of pre-built ones. Related issue: ivpusic#61.

Details for second approach:

  1. Remove the pre-built frameworks from Embedded Binaries
  2. Build for Device
  3. Add the newly built binaries for both frameworks to Embedded Binaries (located at Libraries/imageCropPicker/Libraries/_framework_name_.xcodeproj/Products/_framework_name_.framework)

How it works?

It is basically wrapper around few libraries


  • Native Image Picker
  • uCrop


  • QBImagePickerController
  • RSKImageCropper
