ICS-321-Project - KFUPMSOC

KFUPMSOC is a tournament manager for KFUPM soccer tournaments that is used by

1- admins:

  • Create new tournaments
  • Delete tournaments
  • Approve teams to join tournaments
  • Approve players to join teams
  • Generate teams tables after tournament registeration time.
  • Select Manager, coach, and captain for the team

2- members:

  • Request to join team
  • Request to join tournament (if the member is captain or manager only).
  • Request to form new team.
  • View request history and its status.

3- Guests, members, admins:

  • Broswe all tournaments, matches and their results sorted by date.
  • Browse some statistics such as highest scored goals across all tournaments, players who received red cards across all tournaments, and the highest number of MVPs across all tournaments.


  • HTML / CSS / JS
  • Express
  • Dart / Flutter
  • Supabase / Firebase

Running the applications

  • git clone https://github.com/JaafarAlMuallim/ICS-321-Project.git

To run the web application (admins side)

in the folder that was cloned and with the correct environment setting

  • cd kfupmSoc
  • npm i
  • nodemon app.js

To run the mobile application (members and guests side)

in the folder that was cloned and with the correct environment setting

  • cd kfupm_soc
  • flutter pub get
  • flutter run