
Multi Sender for Solana

Primary LanguageRust

Solana MultiSender

🔗 Links

🔔 CHANNEL: https://t.me/JamBitPY

💬 CHAT: https://t.me/JamBitChat

💰 DONATION EVM ADDRESS: 0xe23380ae575D990BebB3b81DB2F90Ce7eDbB6dDa

📝 Functions

  1. Withdraw entered amount SOL from main to each subaccount
  2. Withdraw all SOL from subaccounts to main

Once launched you will be able to select one of the functions

⚙️ Configuration (.env)

HTTP_RPC_URL - custom RPC url (if not, leave it as default)

MAIN_WALLET - private key of the wallet from which Solana will be sent to subaccounts

THREADS - number of threads (no more than 10 recommended)

⚙️ Sub accounts (files > accounts.txt)

Each line is a new account

The format is: private key


🚀 Installation

Download and install rust: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install

Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/Jaammerr/SOL_MultiSender.git
Open CMD (console) in the folder
Run: cargo run