
Mass faucet for Sepolia using L0 Testnet Bridge

Primary LanguagePython

Sepolia Auto Faucet (L0, testnet bridge)

🔗 Links

🔔 CHANNEL: https://t.me/JamBitPY

💬 CHAT: https://t.me/JamBitChat

💰 DONATION EVM ADDRESS: 0xe23380ae575D990BebB3b81DB2F90Ce7eDbB6dDa

📜 Description

This script uses the L0 bridge https://testnetbridge.com/sepolia to automatically obtain Sepolia test tokens from the ARB network. The exchange rate can be found on the bridge website.

The script will take a random ETH value based on min_amount and max_amount in config for bridge.

At the time of publication 0.0000323 ETH (0.1$) ARB = 1 ETH Sepolia

📦 Installation

Required python >= 3.10

1. Close the repo and open CMD (console) inside it

2. Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Setup configuration and accounts

4. Run: python run.py

⚙️ Config (config > settings.yaml)

Name Description
threads number of accounts that will work in parallel
arb_rpc ARB RPC URL (if not have, leave the default value)
min_amount min amount to bridge (in ETH)
max_amount max amount to bridge (in ETH)
delay_before_start_min min delay before account starts working
delay_before_start_max max delay before account starts working

⚙️ Accounts format (config > accounts.txt)

  • private_key
  • mnemonic

📝 Results

The script will save success/failed accounts to config > success_accounts.txt and config > failed_accounts.txt