
This is an AI Chat Bot Developed Using Gemini AI Pro.

Primary LanguageHTML


This is an AI Chat Bot Developed Using Gemini AI Pro.

Gemini Image

Instructions to run

  • Clone the repository by running the following command :
git clone https://github.com/JabadeSusheelKrishna/AI-Chat-Bot.git
  • Now go the the Local Repository directory by running the following command :
cd AI-Chat-Bot
  • Now Install the Gemini Dependencies and Flask Modules by running the followeing commands :
pip3 install Flask
pip3 install -U google-generativeai
  • Add your Gemini API Key in server.py Line 13. To avail Gemini API keys please visit Gemini Documentation
  • Now we need to run the server. to do that try following command :
python3 server.py
  • Now We are completely ready with the backend. After running the server, you should be able to see a link which looks like http://127.0.0.XXXX. Just go to the Browser and search this URL.
  • Thats it, you should be now able to start chatting with Gemini.

Contributions :

  • Fork my repository
  • if you want modify the UI part, you can directly go to templates directory and make modifications there.
  • if you want to modify the Server part, you can change server.py. also each time when you change it, make sure that the AI remembers its previous chat in case of same user and forgets when user gets switched.