Flat Data Demo: Google Sheets

This demo is part of a larger Flat Data project created by GitHub OCTO. Read more about the project here.

What this demo does

This repository uses a Flat Data Action to fetch a public Google Sheet as a JSON and XML file. Specifically it chains together two flat steps, each one downloading the sheet as a different format.

Inside .github/workflows/flat.yaml:

- name: Fetch data
      uses: githubocto/flat@v2
        http_url: 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/1coaXmKes8b3GUFDGbmb-Hj4bek1HOEI-WCmOF4tIHwI/1/public/full' 
        downloaded_filename: google-sheet.xml
- name: Fetch data
      uses: githubocto/flat@v2
        http_url: 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/1coaXmKes8b3GUFDGbmb-Hj4bek1HOEI-WCmOF4tIHwI/1/public/full?alt=json' 
        downloaded_filename: google-sheet.json
