
Collaboration between two guys trying to level up their dev skills and create a useful tool for a teacher.

Jessica's Quiz App

Collaboration between two guys trying to level up their dev skills and create a useful tool for a teacher.


User Roles

  • Teachers (at least 2)
  • Students


  • Quiz Creation
    • Multiple choice
    • Written responses
  • Unlock hints to help solve questions
    • Anytime a students decides to use a hint it should somehow be made known to teacher (this will be used to identify subject areas that need to be revisited and expanded upon)
    • Limit # of hints
    • Hints can come in a variety of forms
      • Eliminating 2 multiple choice options
      • Showing first part of solution
      • Etc.
  • Ability to draw pictures
    • Jess would use drawings to illustrate core concepts related to the question or provide additional context
    • Students who benefit from visual aids will utilize drawings to work through problems and give Jess a sense of how they approach solving questions
    • Drawings should be saved as image to reference later and possibly printed
  • Analytics dashboard
  • Student gradebook
  • Quiz auto correction and CSV export
  • Some type of notification system
    • can be used to update HW assignments
    • send quiz feedback from teachers to students
    • etc.
  • Responsive design so that quizzes can be done on tablets