
Group Final Project

Primary LanguageJava


Group Final Project

Web service with the purpose of making studying fun and helping people study together.

Start off by entering an address or city, the map will show any Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Panera or Libraries in the area. We show these locations because they are known to welcome people with their laptops and they usually have wifi. We also want to limit the amount of locations the user can pick from so they have a higher chance of studying at the same location as someone else. The user can then choose a location on the map, if there is anyone studying at that location their topic will be displayed. Once the user selects Study Here at a location they are taken to the location page (if they are not logged in they are asked to log in via facebook). Here they will be shown all the facebook users and their topics currently studying at the location. Users looking to study can click on the facebook users to initiate a message and ask if the person would like to study together. The user can then enter the topic they are going to study and begin studying/earning experience. They are taken to their profile page where their facebook picture is shown along with their level/experience, topic being studied and location. Once they are done studying there is a Stop Studying button which will calculate their experience/level and save it to their profile.