
fall-2019-136-lab-07-gracereyn created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageC++

Fall 2019 - Lab 07

Last name: Reynolds

First name: Grace

GitHub username: gracereyn


General instructions:

Daedalus specific instructions (changes from main spec):

This lab is starting with a mostly empty repository (only doctest. is present).

You will have to create the Makefile and decide on what .cpp and .h files you will need.

You will need at least two targets in your Makefile - main which will build the main program and tests which will build the tests. Use the previous labs files as a guide.

For this lab, you will have to decide on a single function as an entry point and it should return a string representing the correctly formatted program. You will also have to decide what that function takes as a parameter or parameters (for example, a filename or a string representing the unformatted program) but remember that when the tests are run, there should be no user input - everything should be automated (you can require user input when the main target is run.

Also remember you can embed “\n” in a string for a newline and “\t” for a tab and that you can compare strings to see if they are the same.