
Hackathon Winner CoderAcademy Mad Hattr

Primary LanguageRuby


Create a webapp in a day using Ruby on Rails and deploying it.

Programmes used: Trello, GitHub, RubyonRails, http://dbdesigner.net, mockplus, Heroku Gems used: bootstrap, stripe, shrine, shrine-cloudinary, devise

Trello - https://trello.com/b/4HTI6TT0

Heroku - https://mad-hattr.herokuapp.com


Creating a two-sided market place for all your hat buying/selling needs.


Started on Trello with User stories, followed by what steps/tasks will be needed to get the project to deployed by 5pm Friday. Prioritised ERD and wireframes first. We decided to design for mobile first.


  • Passing variables from one 'environment' to another
  • Price limit crashes application
  • Deployment issues related to postgres
  • No seed database
  • Ran Rubocop a lot of the errors are because Rubocop doesn't like lines with more than 80 characters