
The MCP23017Control class provides an interface for interacting with the MCP23017 I/O expander chip over I²C on Arduino platforms. This class includes methods for initializing the chip, configuring pin modes, and reading/writing digital values to individual pins or entire banks.

Primary LanguageC++

MCP23017Control Class

The MCP23017Control class provides an interface for interacting with the MCP23017 I/O expander chip over I²C on Arduino platforms. This class includes methods for initializing the chip, configuring pin modes, and reading/writing digital values to individual pins or entire banks.


  • MCP23017Control(byte address = 0x20)
    • address: I²C address of the MCP23017. Default is 0x20.


begin(bool initWire = true)

Initializes the MCP23017 I/O expander. This method sets up the I²C communication and configures all pins on the MCP23017 as inputs for safety.

  • initWire: A boolean parameter that determines whether the Wire (I²C) library should be initialized within this method. Defaults to true.
    • If true, Wire.begin() will be called to initialize the I²C communication.
    • If false, Wire.begin() will not be called, allowing for manual initialization of the I²C bus elsewhere in your code.

pinMode(byte pinNumber, byte mode)

Sets the mode of a specific pin.

  • pinNumber: Pin number (0-15).
  • mode: Mode of the pin (INPUT, OUTPUT, INPUT_PULLUP).

digitalWrite(byte pinNumber, byte state)

Writes a digital value (HIGH or LOW) to a specified output pin. If the pin is set as an input, it automatically changes the pin mode to INPUT or INPUT_PULLUP.

  • pinNumber: Pin number (0-15).
  • state: State to write (HIGH or LOW).

digitalRead(byte pinNumber)

Reads and returns the state (HIGH or LOW) of a specified input pin.

  • pinNumber: Pin number (0-15).

setPinHigh(byte outputNumber)

Sets a specified output pin to high.

  • outputNumber: Pin number (0-15).

setBankMode(byte bank, byte mode)

Sets the mode for all pins in a specified bank (Bank A or Bank B) of the MCP23017.

  • bank: Bank number (0 for Bank A, 1 for Bank B).
  • mode: Mode to set for all pins in the specified bank (INPUT, OUTPUT, INPUT_PULLUP).

writeBank(byte bank, byte value)

Writes a byte value to all pins of either Bank A or Bank B.

  • bank: Bank number (0 for Bank A, 1 for Bank B).
  • value: Byte value to write to the bank.

readBank(byte bank)

Reads and returns the state of all pins in either Bank A or Bank B.

  • bank: Bank number (0 for Bank A, 1 for Bank B).

setAllPinsMode(byte mode)

Sets the mode for all pins across both Bank A and Bank B of the MCP23017.

  • mode: Mode to set for all pins (INPUT, OUTPUT, INPUT_PULLUP).


Returns the combined state of all 16 pins as a 16-bit value.

writeAllPins(uint16_t value)

Writes a 16-bit value to set the states of all 16 pins.

  • value: 16-bit value representing the state of each pin.

static uint16_t getBitmask(byte bitPosition)

Returns a 16-bit number with only one bit set, based on the specified position.

  • bitPosition: Position of the bit to set (0-15).

Usage Examples

Initializing the MCP23017

#include "MCP23017Control.h"

MCP23017Control mcp(0x20); // Replace 0x20 with your MCP23017's I2C address

void setup() {
    mcp.begin(); // Initialize the MCP23017 with default Wire.begin()
    // or
    mcp.begin(false); // Skip Wire.begin() if I²C has been initialized elsewhere

Configuring Pin Modes

// Set pin 0 as an output and pin 8 as an input with pull-up
mcp.pinMode(0, OUTPUT);
mcp.pinMode(8, INPUT_PULLUP);

Writing to and Reading from Pins

// Write HIGH to pin 0 (e.g., to turn on an LED)
mcp.digitalWrite(0, HIGH);

// Read the state of pin 8
byte state = mcp.digitalRead(8);
if (state == HIGH) {
    // Pin 8 is HIGH

Setting a Specific Pin High

// Set pin 3 to HIGH

Configuring a Bank Mode

// Set all pins in Bank A to OUTPUT
mcp.setBankMode(0, OUTPUT);

// Set all pins in Bank B to INPUT_PULLUP
mcp.setBankMode(1, INPUT_PULLUP);

Writing to and Reading from Banks

// Write a byte value to Bank A
mcp.writeBank(0, 0xFF); // Set all pins in Bank A to HIGH

// Read the current state of Bank B
byte bankBState = mcp.readBank(1);

Configuring All Pins Mode

// Set all pins to be inputs with pull-up resistors

Reading the State of All Pins

uint16_t allAllPins = mcp.readAllPins();

Writing to All Pins

// Set the first 8 pins to HIGH and the rest to LOW

Using the getBitmask Utility

// Get a bitmask with only the 5th bit set
uint16_t bitmask = MCP23017Control::getBitmask(5);

Advanced Usage Example

Toggle All Pins

This example demonstrates toggling all pins on and off in an alternating pattern.

void setup() {
    mcp.setAllPinsMode(OUTPUT); // Set all pins as outputs

void loop() {
    mcp.writeAllPins(0xFFFF); // Set all pins HIGH
    mcp.writeAllPins(0x0000); // Set all pins LOW

Error Handling and Limitations

  • The MCP23017Control class does not currently provide explicit error handling for I²C communication failures.
  • Ensure that the I²C address provided to the constructor matches the hardware configuration.
  • The class is designed for standard Arduino boards and may require modifications for use with other microcontroller platforms.

Versioning and Updates

Current Version: 1.0.0



  • Initial release of MCP23017Control.
  • Support for basic I/O operations, bank-level control, and pin mode configurations.