
A painfully simple GLSL shader viewer

Primary LanguageC


A painfully simple GLSL shader viewer meant to be at least partially compatible with ShaderToy. This one can load textures from files and gives a little bit of control over defined uniforms thanks to ImGui.

Usage: shaderdude FILENAME [TEXTURES] where FILENAME is the name of the fragment shader file and TEXTURES are the names of textures to be bound to subsequent channels.

The preview is automatically updated whenever the shader source code is modified.

Currently these uniform variables are passed to the fragment shader:

Uniform Description
vec3 iResolution viewport resolution in pixels
float iTime playback time in seconds
int iFrame current frame number
vec4 iMouse mouse position and buttons
sampler2D iChannelX input texture X
vec3 iChannelResolution[N] input textures resolutions

The shader must define function void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord). fragCoord is in pixels.

All defined uniforms of type float, bool, int, vec3 or vec4 with names beginning with ctl_ will be accessible through the GUI. The GUI can be hidden with F1.