
JS Library to connect user accounts to your Kloudless app.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The Kloudless Authenticator JS library

The Kloudless Authenticator is a JavaScript library that authenticates users to cloud services and connects their accounts to your Kloudless project.

The library lets you open a pop-up that allows the user to choose a cloud service to connect. The pop-up closes once the account has been successfully connected.

View a JSBin example of the Authenticator in action here.

Table of contents

How it Works

The library uses the Kloudless OAuth 2.0 Out-of-band flow to obtain an OAuth access token. The token is verified and used to obtain information on the account that was connected. This data is then returned to your application via a callback.

See the Kloudless Docs for other ways to authenticate users.


Before you can use the Authenticator, You must add the domain of the site you are including the JS file on in your app's list of Trusted Domains. e.g. "google.com" or "localhost:8000". Otherwise, your web page cannot receive the OAuth access token as it is not trusted.

For developers using the older Kloudless Authentication mechanism (Authenticator v0.1/v1.0), please see the Migration Guide below on how to migrate to this version.

Importing from a Script Tag

Embedding the Kloudless JavaScript library will expose a global Kloudless.auth object. The JS file is currently hosted on S3 and can be embedded in your page using this tag:

<script type="text/javascript"

  // Basic Example
  e = $('#auth-button');

  // This is your Application ID found in the Kloudless Developer Portal
  let options = {
    'client_id': 'oeD8Kzi8oN2uHvBALivVA_3zlo2OhL5Ja6YtfBrtKLA',

  // Create an event handler to process the result
  let callback = function (result) {
    if (result.error) {
      console.error('An error occurred:', result.error);
    console.log('Yay! I now have a newly authenticated', result.account.service,
      'account with ID', result.account.id);

  // Launch the Authenticator when the button is clicked
  Kloudless.auth.authenticator(e, options, callback);

View a JSBin example of the Authenticator in action here.

Importing from an ES6 Module

Install from NPM:

npm install @kloudless/authenticator
import auth from '@kloudless/authenticator';

// Basic Example
let element = $('#auth-button');

let options = {
  'client_id': 'oeD8Kzi8oN2uHvBALivVA_3zlo2OhL5Ja6YtfBrtKLA',

// Create an event handler to log the result
const callback = (result) => console.log(result);

// Launch the Authenticator when the button is clicked
auth.authenticator(element, options, callback);

View a JSBin example of the Authenticator in action here.

Global Options

These settings are applied to all instances of the Authenticator. Here is the list of global options:

  • baseUrl: the API server URL
  • debug: true to enable debug mode; otherwise false

By default, baseUrl is set to the Kloudless API server URL and debug mode is disabled. You can change them by using auth.setGlobalOptions().


options specifies a map of query parameters to include with the OAuth request. At a minimum, this must include your Kloudless application ID as the client ID. An error is thrown if this is not provided.

You may also find it valuable to provide a scope that determines which services the user can choose from to connect. If only a single service is available, the service selection screen is skipped and the user directly proceeds to connect that service. scope can either be an Array of different scopes, or a space-delimited string. It will be converted into a space-delimited string if it is an Array. Refer to the docs for more information on Scopes.

A full list of parameters supported is available on the OAuth docs. state, response_type and redirect_uri are not required as they will be set automatically.

For example:

  'client_id': 'APP_ID_ABC_123',
  'scope': 'gdrive box dropbox salesforce.crm all:admin'

Your application's App ID is available on the App Details page in the Developer Portal.



auth.authenticator(element, options, callback);

The authenticator method can set up a click handler on an element to trigger the Kloudless authentication pop-up. Alternatively, you may launch the pop-up programmatically from the returned authenticator object.

The authenticator method accepts the following arguments in order:

  • element (Optional) element specifies the element you want to set the listener on. This can be a DOM element or a jQuery object that references a single DOM element. This may be omitted if you wish to launch the authentication pop-up manually rather than auto-launch it when element is clicked.

  • options (Required) See Options

  • callback (Required) callback specifies a function which is passed a result object with the response to the OAuth 2.0 Out-of-band flow. result contains the access token obtained via the OAuth flow, as well as the metadata of the account that was connected:

        'access_token': 'TOKEN123ABC',
        'token_type': 'Bearer',
        'scope': 'box:normal.storage', // Currently, the requested scope is returned
        'state': 'randomstate123',
        'account': {
            'id': 123,
            'service': 'box',

    Security Requirement: If you are transferring this information to your backend, be sure to verify the token on your backend, especially if you use the Kloudless API Key for requests. Otherwise, a malicious user could spoof the account data without your application's knowledge.



stop stops further click events on an element from triggering the Kloudless authentication pop-up. Only used when the authenticator is configured to auto-launch when an element is clicked.



launch launches the pop-up for a configured authenticator object.


    debug: true,

setGlobalOptions sets the global options. The input parameter should be an object with corresponding global options keys.



getGlobalOptions returns the global options.

Authenticator with React

See Authenticator with React for details.

Authenticator with Vue

See Authenticator with Vue for details.

Example apps

Here are some example apps using the authenticator:

Migration Guide

From v0.1 to v1.0

Developers can easily migrate to this version from the previous v0.1 Authenticator library. This library uses the Kloudless OAuth 2.0 authentication flow rather than the previous authentication mechanism.

Here are the changes needed:

  • Replace the previous script tag with the new one. The version has been removed from the file name. Previous: <script src="https://static-cdn.kloudless.com/p/platform/sdk/kloudless.authenticator.v0.1.js"></script> New: <script src="https://static-cdn.kloudless.com/p/platform/sdk/kloudless.authenticator.js"></script>
  • The authenticator() method now accepts different parameters for params. See the documentation above for the current format. Here are the changes needed:
    • Use client_id instead of app_id.
    • Use scope instead of services. Visit the documentation on Scopes to learn more.
    • The admin flag has now been incorporated as a part of scopes.
  • The authenticator() method now invokes the callback provided with a single argument that contains the response to the OAuth flow. It would previously send two arguments.
  • The callback method's argument has a new format. Previously, only the Account ID, id, and the Service name, service, were provided. Now, the full response to the OAuth 2.0 flow is provided. Account data is retrieved and included in the response, if successful. Otherwise, error data is provided. See above documentation for more information on the format.
  • Add the domain of the web page including the Authenticator library to your Kloudless application's list of Trusted Domains. This allows the callback to receive the access token.

From v1.0 to v1.1

For script tag usage, change the exposing target from window.Kloudless to window.Kloudless.auth to better scope our UI tools. All the exports under window.Kloudless are now deprecated.

Here are the changes from v1.0 to v1.1:

v1.0 v1.1
window.Kloudless.authenticator() window.Kloudless.auth.authenticator()
window.Kloudless.stop() window.Kloudless.auth.stop()
window.Kloudless.apiVersion window.Kloudless.auth.apiVersion
window.Kloudless.baseUrl use window.Kloudless.auth.getGlobalOptions() and window.Kloudless.auth.setGlobalOptions() instead



The authenticator opens a pop-up with several query parameters indicating what to display. The following required parameters are present:

  • client_id: The ID of the application to connect the account to.
  • origin: The host that opened the pop-up. Used to send a message back to the caller only.
  • redirect_uri: Is urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob.
  • response_type: Is token.
  • request_id: A random ID for this authenticator instance.

The pop-up is opened from within an iframe located on the API server to get around cross-domain postMessage restrictions (especially IE).


Automated testing is not present. For now, you can manually confirm that it works by running the test server included in this package.

$ KLOUDLESS_APP_ID=app_id npm test

where 'app_id' above is a Kloudless App ID specifying which app to connect the accounts to. You can create an application in the Developer Portal for testing purposes.

Then navigate to localhost:3000 and click the button to test if it works.

Use auth.setGlobalOptions() to set a URI that directs to the API server. This can also be done by building the file with the correct base URL.


Requires node version > v6.14.3 Build a production version:

npm install
npm run build

Build a dev version with debug logging:

npm run dev

To build pointing to a custom API server, expose the environment variable BASE_URL. (You can also set BASE_URL in run time. See auth.setGlobalOptions()):

BASE_URL=http://custom-api-server:8080 npm run build

The result will be at build/kloudless-authenticator.js and build/kloudless-authenticator.min.js.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you have discovered a security vulnerability with this library or any other part of Kloudless, we appreciate your help in disclosing it to us privately by emailing security@kloudless.com.


Feel free to contact us at support@kloudless.com with any feedback or questions.