Champions: Finding one...
Author: Jack Works
Stage: N/A
This proposal describes adding an ECMAScriptParser to JavaScript. Just like DOMParser in HTML and Houdini's parser API in CSS.
Some "feature detection" (See: use eval
to check if some syntax-level feature is available. Like
try {
eval('async function x() {}')
asyncFunctionSupported = true
} catch {}
Or in some other scenarios, we just want to check if a piece of code is syntax-correct instead of eval
Some sandbox proposal/libraries do need an AST transformer to transform or reject the dangerous JS code.
A sandbox proposal, realms, it's polyfill is using RegExp to reject "HTML style comments" and reject ESModules. Using RegExp is very likely to make false positives on valid codes.
But if they want to reduce false positives, they have to load a babel, typescript or whatever what parser into the library and run it to transform the code into the safe pattern.
- Babel as a parser in realms-shim (Agoric/realms-shim#15)
- TypeScript Compiler as a parser in (Agoric/realms-shim#47)
- TypeScript as a transformer to transform ESModule into SystemJS (
- #34: rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions is too aggressive
- #37: rejectHtmlComments throws on bignumber.js comment
- #39: Any code with import expression inside string literal or comment throws error
- ... and so on
This part may be hard to accomplish. Need to discuss if it is needed or even possible.
Just like CSS Houdini's parser can parse CSS in a programmable way, this ECMAScript parser may let developer handle the step of parsing the source code in a programmable way.
Don't know what the API should be like, just for example:
const JSXElement = new ECMAScriptParser.Grammar('JSXElement', [
new ECMAScriptParser.Grammar(
type: JSXChildren,
optional: true
const jsxParser = new ECMAScriptParser()
const primaryExpression = parser.getGrammar('PrimaryExpression')
jsxParser.parse(`const expr = <a />`)
- Generate AST from source code
- Generate source code from an AST
- [Maybe] a built-in AST walker to replace AST Nodes on demand
- (If AST is not plain object,) provide a way to construct new AST Nodes.
- [Maybe] a set of API that extends ECMAScript Parser (like we can create a special parser for JSX).
class ECMAScriptParser {
parse(source: string): ECMAScriptAST
compile(ast: ECMAScriptAST): string
static visitChildNodes(mapFunction: (beforeTransform: ECMAScriptAST) => ECMAScriptAST): ECMAScriptAST
// [Maybe]
addGrammar(gr: Grammar): this
getGrammar(grName: string): Grammar | null
replaceGrammar(gr: Grammar): this
deleteGrammar(gr: Grammar): this
removeGrammar(gr: Grammar): this
static Grammar = class Grammar {
// [wait for discussion]
wait for discussion
see also:
try {
new ECMAScriptParser().parse(`
const res = await fetch(jsonService)
case (res) {
when {status: 200, headers: {'Content-Length': s}} ->
console.log(\`size is \${s}\`),
when {status: 404} ->
console.log('JSON not found'),
when {status} if (status >= 400) -> {
throw new RequestError(res)
} catch {
console.log('Your browser does not support Pattern Matching')
const parser = new ECMAScriptParser()
const secure = new Realms({
transforms: [
rewrite: context => {
const ast = parser.parse(context.src)
ECMAScriptParser.visitChildNodes(node => {
if (node.kind === ECMAScriptParser.SyntaxKind.WithStatement) {
throw new SyntaxError('with statement is not supported')
} else if (node.kind === ECMAScriptParser.SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration) {
return ECMAScriptParser.createImportDeclaration(
'/safe-import-transformer.js?src=' + node.moduleSpecifier.toString()
return node
return context
secure.evaluate(`with (window) {}`)
// SyntaxError: with statement is not supported
source.evaluate(`import x from './y.js'`)
// will evaluate: `import x from '/safe-import-transformer.js?src=./y.js'`
import { enhanceParser, jsxCompiler } from 'react-experimental-jsx-parser-in-browser'
JSX extends the PrimaryExpression in the ECMAScript 6th Edition (ECMA-262) grammar:
PrimaryExpression :
const jsxParser = enhanceParser(new ECMAScriptParser())
const ast = jsxParser.parse(`const link = <a />`)
const code = jsxParser.compile(
jsxFactory: 'React'
// const link = React.createElement('a', {})