my fork of pix2pix that's used for
The main difference is that the Unet in models.lua accepts 32x1 images instead of 256x256 images.
The included generate.js is a nodejs script that generates A/B image pairs for training from a json palette dataset:
used like this: node generate.js dataset.json [i] [k]
where [i] is a directory suffix and [k] is the number of rows to use as a ratio (0->1)
eg. training:
node generate.js dataset.json 1 0.5
python scripts/ --fold_A ./aggregate/A1 --fold_B ./aggregate/B1 --fold_AB ./aggregate/AB1
DATA_ROOT=./aggregate/AB1 name=palette which_direction=BtoA gpu=0 cudnn=0 th train.lua
feed forward:
DATA_ROOT=./aggregate/AB1 name=palette which_direction=BtoA gpu=0 cudnn=0 phase=test th test.lua
note: reduce ngf and ndf parameters to reduce model size (as well as output quality)